Ajax Uploader problem Anonymous access vs integrated security with Firefox

  •  08-05-2010, 4:49 PM

    Ajax Uploader problem Anonymous access vs integrated security with Firefox

    Hi there,
    We have a web page  using the Ajax Uploader component. The upload functions fine when using Internet explorer, however when using Firefox (3.6.8) there is a problem. With Firefox and anonymous access to the virtual directory the upload works fine, however, when using integrated security it does not work. When using integrated security and first visiting the page a window pops up to authenticate which I do. When you push the upload button, it then lets select the file, the upload progress bar appears. A "Enter network password" window then pops up that looks like this one:
    I entered the correct domain/userid/password but it would not accept them. This is the same domain/id/password I was using with IE where it works fine. Pressing Ok on this window just brings you back to the same window. Pressing cancel brings up this message in a new window "Flash : The upload task is interrupted! http 401"
    Do you have any idea what is wrong or how to fix this issue?
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