Create New Directory

  •  08-24-2010, 10:30 PM

    Create New Directory

    I am using an older version than the current one, but sorry I don't know how to tell you which one it is.
    I was asked by a client to see if I can fix something.
    They want to be able to insert new folders into an upload directory. I check the permissions on the folder (Host settings) and they are set to allow edit, creation and deletion. I created the folder and uploaded it, but still would like to see if I can solve this functionality.
    Also changed all three config files to 'True' in the positions as displayed below. I did have the 'True' as 'true' and changed that, but no result.
    When I attempt to create a new folder, nothing appears or happens.
    I can upload images into the folder and then insert them on the page. I cannot create a new folder or change any of the exisiting folders.
    Any troubleshooting would be appreciated. Thanks

    Here is a snippet from the config file:
     <security name="AllowUpload">true</security>
     <security name="AllowCreateFolder">True</security>
     <security name="AllowRename">True</security>
     <security name="AllowDelete">True</security>
     <security name="ImageFilters">

    Here is the function embedded in the page that loads the images:
    function CreateDir_click()
       if not CBool(AllowCreateFolder) then
       alert("<%= GetString("Disabled")%>");
       End If
      var dir=prompt("<%= GetString("SpecifyNewFolderName")%>","")
       var tempPath = browse_Frame.contentWindow.location; 
       tempPath = tempPath + "&action=createfolder&foldername="+dir;
       browse_Frame.contentWindow.location = tempPath;   
    Thanks for your help, Keith

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