How to detect product version?

  •  08-26-2010, 3:22 PM

    How to detect product version?

    CuteEditor for .NET:
    Please open application "bin" folder, and right click "CuteEditor.dll", you will find its version and build date:
    CuteEditor for PHP & CuteEditor for ASP:
    1. Open the CuteEditor for PHP(ASP) in your website in IE
    2. Right click page
    3. Click "View Source"
    4. Search "CuteEditor Version" in the html source code, you will find:
        <!-- CuteEditor Version 6.6 Editor1 Begin -->
    Ajax Uploader:
    Please open application "bin" folder, and right click "CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.dll", you will find its version and build date:
    CuteChat&Cute Live Support&Cute Messenger:
    Please open application "bin" folder, and right click "CuteChat.dll", you will find its version and build date:
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