Browse button not working in FireFox when Uploader in a dialog

  •  10-04-2010, 7:07 PM

    Browse button not working in FireFox when Uploader in a dialog

    Hi there,
    I have seen a couple of posts on this subject, but they don't seem to have been resolved.
    I have an Ajax Uploader (latest Version) in a dialog box (our own code written in js). When we click on the Insert (Browse) button nothing happens in Firefox 3.6. When setting the  UploadAddonButtonMode="Warning" it just says file browsing blocked.
    When setting  the UploadType to IFrame the Insert (Browse) button does not appear.
    These issues only happen in FireFox  (Our testing version is 3.6)
    Your help would be appreciated as we are close to purchasing your product.
    Also could you please tell me if the Single Domain License covers sub domains. e.g. and
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