CuteEditor ShowDialog from outside the editor

  •  10-07-2010, 10:12 AM

    CuteEditor ShowDialog from outside the editor

    I have a question about the function ShowDialog in the CuteEditor.
    On my form I have 1 textbox for the subject of an email and below that a CE (Editor1) for the Body of the email. I've made a custom button and the ShowDialog is working perfectly. I've made a page where the user can select predefined Tags that will be replaced by data from the database once the e-mail gets send. In the popup is some code to do some PasteHTML to the current editor. This works fine.
    Also, next to the Subject field is a button to open a dialog and to pick a Tag. Same a with the CE, the tagvalue gets inserted into the textbox at the current position. I just get the instance of the Editor1 in javascript (getElementByID(<%=Editor1.ClientID%>)) and call editor.ShowDialog(...);
    But on an other page there is no CuteEditor visible, so i can't get an instance of that Editor to do a editor.ShowDialog(..). Is there also a ShowDialog function apart from an instance of an editor that I can call?
    I saw something about Window_ShowDialog() but cant find anything about that and wonder if these scripts are always avaiable even with no editor on the page.
    Please some help.
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