Presale questions

  •  10-18-2010, 6:22 AM

    Presale questions

    Up until now I have been using DMXZone Pure ASP Uploader. There are many issues with it, not to mention it uses flash upload bar which is not customisable, doesn't support ajax etc...

    I'd like to purchase your script instead. I've read your documentation but I still have some questions from my experience with DMXZone uploader.


    I see you can still use request.form using your module? So the other form fields are not changed when I upload the classic way? Because I had great problem with DMXZone when I had to use UploadFormRequest instead of request.form which modified the other text forms and our latin2 characters gor lost in the process. First on Windows 2003, then on Windows 2008 it behaved differently...

    I just want to be sure that this module works with other text fields if I use it in classic way, to upload picture and some text fields. And the text fields have our characters like čš and đ and ž inside. Do they stil get properly submitted on all IIS versions?

    The other question I have is regarding the ajax use. As I see I can use the uploader so that upload get's work right away so I do not need to refresh page to submit form at all?

    My situation is this: I have now 5 file form fields with text box next to them that set picture description. Is this doable using AJAX somehow? If I let multiupload select 5 pictures they would be submitted without description of course, but what about using single file at a time and text box next to each upload field. Can I make submit a jquery AJAX submit? So that the picture progress bar would show, upload pictures and submit form (descriptions for this 5 pictures) all in a window without page refresh (I use jquery ajax form module for this).

    Sorry so many questions, hope you can shed me some light on this areas.

    Keep up the good work, I have an "eye" on your rich text editor also, mostly because you have a good image uploader component included. Can this component be included in TinyMCE for example also or is it dependant on your Rich editor?



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