CuteChat Instalation & Webfarm

  •  11-01-2010, 6:06 AM

    CuteChat Instalation & Webfarm

    We recently sucessfully installed CuteChat on our development server. It worked fine so we decided to install it on our production system which has two web front ends (behind an ISA server - so no loadbalancing required). We have also included the following key:
    <add key="CuteChat.MultipleServerMode" value="True" />. We have implemented our own provider for seamless integration with our user database.
    The problem we are facing is the following:
    • Whoever connects on SERVER A (through the messenger or chat room) only sees the users that are connected at the same server ( A) and cannot communicate to any users connected to SERVER B.
    • Users on other servers do not appear online on either messenger or chat rooms.
    • If two users from different servers are connected at the same chat room, they will only see what the other user has typed if they refresh their page (F5 or CTRL+F5)
    Why is this occuring? How can we fix it?
    Thank you in advance.
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