MVC3 and Ajax Uploader

  •  11-08-2010, 3:17 AM

    MVC3 and Ajax Uploader

    Was wondering if Ajax Uploader works with MVC 3 Beta.  I realize it it still a beta product, but I have been working in it since about the time my program goes live, the MVC 3 will as well (or hopefully).  In any case, I had it running pretty good in MVC 2.  But in MVC 3 I keep getting java error complaining about a null object in the code rendered by View.uploadhtml.
    here is the relevent area of the rendered page (the error is thrown by the code CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_Initialize(;

    <button id="uploadbutton" onclick="return false;" onclick="return uploadbutton_onclick()">Click here to upload your dictations</button>


    <!-- input type='hidden' id='myuploader' name='myuploader' -->

    <script type='text/javascript' src='/CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.ashx?type=script&_ver='></script><input type='hidden' id='myuploader' name='myuploader' autocomplete='off' /><img id='myuploader_Loader' UniqueID='myuploader' Namespace='CuteWebUI' PageUpload='1' src='/CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.ashx?type=file&file=continuous.gif' onload='"none" ; CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_Initialize(;' onerror='this.onload()' ContextValue='!3wEWAQUMfi91cGxvYWR0ZW1wGmtdM8cilxEqJ4dEE8xh!1hkOUSrS4CgGSnfml9F8TmQ!2' UploadModuleNotInstall='1' ShowProgressInfo="1" CancelUploadMsg="Cancel upload" ShowProgressBar="1" InsertButtonID="uploadbutton" UploadUrl="/UploadHandler.ashx" UploadingMsg="Uploading.." ResourceHandler="/CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.ashx" PanelWidth="360" CancelAllMsg="Cancel all Uploads" WindowsDialogLimitMsg="Unable to select so many files at once. The total file name length cannot exceed 32kb." BarHeight="20" BorderStyle="border:1px solid #444444;" FileTooLargeMsg="{0} cannot be uploaded!

    File size ({1}) is too large. The maximum file size allowed is set to: {2}." BarStyle="Continuous" MaxFilesLimitMsg="The maximum number of files allowed to be uploaded is set to {0}." UploadType="Auto" MultipleFilesUpload="1" InfoStyle="padding-left:3px;font:normal 12px Tahoma;" Extensions="dvf,wav,mp3,wma,dss,ds2,msv" InserText="Upload a file"/>


    <%-- Html.EndForm(); --%>

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