Error: http error1: 405 Method Not Allowed

  •  11-11-2010, 11:34 PM

    Error: http error1: 405 Method Not Allowed

    Hi I'm getting this error when uploading files 

    http error1: 405 Method Not Allowed

    When I click the upload button I choose my file(s) and click ok. Then the process bar starts and when it gets to the end for each file I get a message box with http error1: 405 Method Not Allowed.

    Any ideas? 

    PS: When I run the website with Visual Studio's Built in Web-Server it works fine but When I try to run the website with IIS7 I get this error message.  also I have my Upload button inside of a user-control. I don't know if this has anything to do with the problem
    Thanks in advance
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