Dear Lorenzo,
Temporary directory setting:
1. Open cuteeditor_files\Dialogs\phpuploader\include_phpuploader.php
Search the following function in this file:
function _InternalGetFile($guid,$checkValidated)
$dir = $this->InternalGetTempDirectory();
$dir="/home/wwwbeau/public_html/ce6.7/eric1"; //add this line, please change this path to actual one
$arr=PhpUploader_GetFiles(__FILE__,__LINE__,"$dir/*." . $guid . ".*");
return null;
if( $checkValidated && substr(PhpUploader_GetBaseName($arr[0]),0,10)!="persisted.")
throw(new Exception("This file can not be validated!"));
$mvcfile=new PhpUploadFile();
$mvcfile->FileName=substr(PhpUploader_GetBaseName($arr[0]),47,-5);//also remove suffix ".resx"
return $mvcfile;
add the following line to this function:
$dir="/home/wwwbeau/public_html/ce6.7/eric1"; //add this line, please change this path to actual one
2. Open file “\cuteeditor_files\Dialogs\upload.php”, locate the following line:
$uploader=new PhpUploader();
//add the following code to this function, please update path to your actual one
After set the temporary directory, if your issue is still existing, please send cuteeditor for php access url and ftp access to
[email protected], I will check this issue for you.
Thank you for your business