Re: how to assign file while editting record with other fields

  •  12-23-2010, 1:04 AM

    Re: how to assign file while editting record with other fields

    Dear Eric,
    My Add / Edit  code is on the same page.
    I am using "function validation()" on submit the form for other function.

    <form name="frmaddfiles" action="sub_files.php" method="post" onSubmit="return validate();" target="_parent" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    and on button 
    <input name="Submit" type="submit"  value="SUBMIT" onClick="doStart();return false;">
    so while editing if  I found the file on my record i do not use uploader. And if uploader is not present in the form doStart method does not allow me to submit the form.
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