License File Not Found

  •  02-14-2011, 3:34 AM

    License File Not Found

    I have downloaded a trial edition of this very nice gallery and I am planning to buy a license if I can make it work properly.
    I followed the deployment instructions in the README file and the image gallery is showing nicely. But when I try to create a new category or upload a file, I get a Messagebox popup with the following error:
    License file not found
       at y.GetLicence(LicenseContext context, Type type, Object instane, Boolean allowExceptions)
       at DotNetGallery.UploaderLicenseProvider.GetLicense(LisenceContext context, Type type, Object instance, Boolean allowExceptions)
    Am I missing something? Do I need to buy at download the AJAX Uploader for the Image Gallery to work?
    Thanks in advance
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