Image gallery path not changing

  •  02-17-2011, 8:47 AM

    Image gallery path not changing

    Hi there,
    I have a weird problem with the ImageGalleryPath setting when using CuteEditor as an Image Uploader. I try to change the filepath programmatically like this:
    editorImages.Setting["security:ImageGalleryPath"] = "~/UserImages/newsitems/";
    But when I do this the editor still navigates to /uploads.
    I have changed all settings in the security config files like this:
    <security name="ImageGalleryPath">~/UserImages/newsitems</security>
     and still the editor navigates to /uploads.
    Finally, out of desperation, I changed all references to /uploads in all security config files to the new folder and still the editor navigates to /uploads.
    What can be causing this behaviour? I have no problem with changing this path in other pages where I use CuteEditor as a regular wysiwyg editor.
    Oh, and changes to other settings, like MaxImageHeight or MaxImageSize do take effect.
    Thanks for your help!
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