Re: Wierd JS error and editor loads in collapsed... also puts in rn after every line break or p tag

  •  03-17-2011, 5:54 AM

    Re: Wierd JS error and editor loads in collapsed... also puts in rn after every line break or p tag

    Hi there,
    Ok. I figured out what the issue was. If you have the Editor in JQuery tabs (because I have more than one, I have three) on screen at the same time I had to make the document.ready function fire after the editors load. So had to do a set timeout. For some reason the JQuery tabs  have a diverse effect on the editor when they are both loading.
    So the rule is if you want to use the smart tans, make sure you use a setTimeout() command to load the tabs in after 600ms or so.
    The other issue with the rn was because I pasted in HTML in from dreamweaver into HTML view, even though the carriage returns didn't show right then, they were saved when the form was posted. Thus the letters rn went live when after saving. easy enough to remove but this is something you may want to look into.
    How do I close this ticket down?
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