I recently transferred a working CuteEditor php installation intact into a new code base, on the same server, in a parallel directory to the old.
When trying to browse an image library, I get the error message:
The area you are attempting to access is forbidden sec2
I found where this error was being thrown, and put in debug statements which demonstrated that the variable $CESecurity (below) indeed did not match SESSION['CESecurity'], which was empty.
CESecurity: MzAwfDEwMDAwfDEwMDB8MTAwMHwxMDAwfC9VcGxvYWRzfC9VcGxvYWRzfC9VcGxvYWRzfC9UZW1wbGF0ZXN8L1VwbG9hZHN8dHJ1ZXx0cnVlfHRydWV8dHJ1ZXwuanBnLC5qcGVnLC5naWYsLnBuZ3wuYXZpLC5tcGcsLm1wZWcsLm1wMywud2F2LC53bXZ8LnR4dCwuZG9jLC5wZGYsLnppcCwucmFyLC5hdmksLm1wZywubXBlZywuanBnLC5qcGVnLC5naWYsLnBuZywuaHRtfC5odG1sLC5odG18ZW4tZW58fHx8fHxmYWxzZXw=, SESSION['CESecurity']:
I noted other threads reporting a similar error, but they did not prove helpful. This problem was an unfortunate shock, as this new software is on a deadline...
Steve Johnson
U.S.Coast Guard Auxiliary