Re: Disabling Whisper function

  •  06-17-2011, 2:35 AM

    Re: Disabling Whisper function

    This is not right way.
    Setting disabling whisper from admin panel does not work, there is no conditional function in channel.aspx code like this:
    To disable Whisper only way is to comment out code here:
    Is there any functon/method to use with conditional?
                                    <td><!-- <select id="select_targetuser" title="tips : Right click to target 'All'" style="vertical-align:middle;width:120px;">
                                            <option value="">[[UI_MENU_TargetAll]]</option>
                                        </select> -->
                                        <!-- <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox_whisper" onchange="SetWhisper(this.checked);" /> -->
                                        <!-- <label id="label_whisper" for="checkbox_whisper">[[UI_Whisper]]</label> -->
                                        <button id="btn_connect" class="ConnectionButton" style="width:92px;height:22px;">[[UI_Menu_Connect]]</button>
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