Unable to get file name of uploaded file

  •  06-22-2011, 5:07 PM

    Unable to get file name of uploaded file

    I am trying to rename a file after it has been uploaded but I am unable to get the file name.  I can get the GUID for the file but not the file name.  Any ideas why $uploader is not returning a phpuploadfile object?
    Here is how I instantiate the uploader:
                      <form id="form1" method="POST">
                               $uploader=new PhpUploader();
                               $uploader->InsertText="Select file(s)";
                               $uploader->SaveDirectory="files/" . $_SESSION['orgid'];
    Here is where I try to rename the file:
          echo $fileguid;
          echo "myfile=" . $uploadedfile->FileName;
             //Rename the uploaded file
             echo "Renaming file";
    The echoes are for debugging.  It echoes the fileguid but then $uploadedfile->FileName is empty.  It never gets to the part that echoes "Renaming file."
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