Re: Text not saving on IE9 - EditorWysiwygModeCss problem

  •  06-27-2011, 8:44 PM

    Re: Text not saving on IE9 - EditorWysiwygModeCss problem

    Hi boondooa,
    On IE9, if you click on submit, the text is not saved. But if you change the thumbnail to HTML or Preview before clicking to Submit, it will works.
    Is your site online? If so, can you poste the test page url? So I can check it for you.
    Second issue, if you set the "ceBackground" class in example.css with the property "background:#ff0000;" for example, you will see that IE9 doesn't apply the style BUT IE7 do it...
    We are investigating this issue. For now, please use property "EditorBodyStyle", it can achieve the same function as "EditorBodyClass".
     <CE:Editor ID="Editor1" runat="server" EditorBodyStyle="background-color:Red;">
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