Select file with doubleclick problem in Safari

  •  07-15-2011, 5:10 PM

    Select file with doubleclick problem in Safari

    Hi, we have encountered quite a serious problem on Mac with Safari - when you select your file by doubleckicking on it (instead of jjust selecting the file and hitiing the Open button) or if you by accident click three times on the file name, Safari uploads the file but then you cannot do anything  - any click to Safari window is accompanied by the "dong" sound. It looks like SAfari wants you to select some other file but there is no file dialog where you can do it - only solution is to Force quit the application. We have tested it in Chrome as well, but no problems there.
    The same "bug" is reproducable on your demo pages (e.g. multiple files download). We are using Safari 5.0.5 and mac OS X 10.6.8. I can post a video screencast if needed.
    Thanks for help, Stan 
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