Help needed with Dot Net Gallery

  •  05-21-2005, 12:35 AM

    Help needed with Dot Net Gallery

    Hello, I am a portal designer and the company who hosts and manages the portal (I have no host access so I can not make any changes there) have installed the DotNetGallery. We already had a free gallery module installed which worked well except that us working remotely from the company could not edit photos. This was a big problem as some photos needed to be modified, or we remove some, or move them to a different gallery page or we want to change the photo description.

    We don’t want one big folder full of pictures. We want multiple folders (or albums) in our portal.
    I can not add any more galleries to a tab because if I choose DotNetGallery from the menu it just creates the same instance of the gallery I already have, not a new fresh gallery.

    Here is a link to a page that has the gallery on it, DotNetGallery has also affected the previously installed gallery above.

    If you look in the photo gallery drop down at the other gallery pages you will see how we have set up our galleries on different pages with different headings. We want to do the exact same thing with your module that we have bought. We bought this module so that we could have people working remotely from the company that hosts the portal uploading and modifying photos and descriptions as required. We have several club members with remote admin access who work on the site. None of us have host access.

    I need to know what to do about this so I can convey this to the company that hosts our portal, so they can make your module work the way we want it too.

    If you provide any ASP code, can you also let me know where to put this code, so I can send it to the company also.

    Thanks for your help.

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