CuteEditor - databound in FormView - Text property not updating

  •  07-21-2011, 5:23 PM

    CuteEditor - databound in FormView - Text property not updating

    I am using CuteEditor in an ASP.NET 3.5 web application.  The editor control is being used as a databound control within a FormView.
     It looks like this:
       <CE:Editor ID="contentEditor" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("EmailContent") %>'></CE:Editor>
    It is pulling the correct content into the  control when the form is being bound, but it is not always giving me the updated text back when I try to save it back to the database.  I've noticed that if I switch from 'normal' to 'html' and back, before hitting the 'save' button on my form, then it *does* work.  But otherwise it just gives me the original unedited text back in the .Text property.
    We are using the control successfully in other projects, but it's just not working in this one.  Any hints or tips about what I might be doing wrong here?
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