Re: Programmatically Adding Files to the Queue Using Javascript

  •  07-28-2011, 6:34 PM

    Re: Programmatically Adding Files to the Queue Using Javascript

    Hi rmillergravic,
    Please refer the section javascript code below to view the properties or methods of uploader
    1. function CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_OnInitialize()  
    2.     {  
    3.         var hidden=this;  
    4.         var arr=[];  
    5.         for(var p in hidden)  
    6.         {  
    7.            arr.push(p);  
    8.         }  
    9.         alert("uploader member list : "+arr);  
    10.     }  
    If you want to customize upload button, cancel button and so on, refer to
    Hope it helps. 
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