Re: I want cute chat for my MVC application which one is best?

  •  08-01-2011, 7:34 AM

    Re: I want cute chat for my MVC application which one is best?

    Hi hvm,
    1) so which one version is best for me?
    If you are not using the Community server/DotNetNukd/SharePoint, please use  the default  integration package
    Default integration downloads 
    2) i want this is fit in my custom aspx page.
    Yes, please refer to step 5 and step 7
    3) i download Chat/Web Messenger standaloneand run this but when open it than every time new browser open that i dont want
    Try the "open messenger in page" view.
    please refer to demo, login ad User:test password:test, than click the "open messenger in page: link at left panel
    4) i want same functionality work in same browser.
    yes, it has the same functionality in differery browser
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