Opening a conversation with a user

  •  08-01-2011, 3:26 PM

    Opening a conversation with a user

    Created a page that lists online users for the current user to add to their contact list or start a conversation with over messenger.  I need to be able to start a messenger conversation with an online user.  Previous post responded with this:
    <a href="#" onclick="Chat_OpenContact('admin')"><img src="CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat/Images/avatar.gif">admin</a>
    but that solution wont work.  It tries to open the messenger in the page, which is contained in an iframe as a widget on the whole page.  It also doesn't see already open messenger window, which we always open in a new browser pointed to Messenger.aspx (provided in CuteChat download).  So I guess the functionality I need is:
    1) If messenger is not open in a browser, open a new browser window with messenger and start a conversation selected user.
    2) If messenger is open in a browser, start a conversation in existing browser with messenger.
    What's the best way to accomplish this?
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