Cute Editor Changes Do Not Save When Accessing Page Outside LAN

  •  10-18-2011, 10:55 AM

    Cute Editor Changes Do Not Save When Accessing Page Outside LAN

    ASP.Net.  Visual Web Developer 2008. Windows 2003 Server. SQL Server 2005. Cute Editor.

    I am using the Cute Editor control on a web page within a site designed using Microsoft Web Developer. The Cute Editor is in a formview control. When I access the web page from within my LAN (from a workstation connected to the domain controller via the LAN inside our building) any changes I make to text in the Cute Editor box save properly to my Sql database. When I access the page from outside our LAN (the page is part of a web site visible to the world), any changes I make to text within the Cute Editor box DO NOT SAVE to the database.  I get the same non-saving result when I am connected to the LAN from outside via a VPN. What could be causing the Cute Editor to behave this way?

    The Cute Editor control is in a formview control that also has some textbox controls. Changes made
    in the textbox controls save under all scenarios. It is just the Cute Editor that gives me the problem outside the LAN.

    Added Note: I also notice that the image insertion and image gallery functions do not work outside the LAN.  The dialogue comes up for these, but it will not list image files in the folders shown!

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