Problem when publishing to production test server...

  •  11-01-2011, 2:04 PM

    Problem when publishing to production test server...

    I have been using ajax uploader within VS2010 to develop a new site.  Ajax Uploader was workging great.. I select a file which is automatically uploaded to  TempDirectory="~/UploaderTemp". Than onfileuploaded and onuploadcompleted fire where i than copy the file to a database set a asp:panel to visible=true  and the internal imageurl to point to the new added file where i can than perform cropping. 
    My problem is that when i published the project to production test server the application failed.  First error, was an except and seem to the results of what i had in the web.config.  My orginail web.config is seen below... I determine that VS2010 uses  <httpModules>
    and the production test server needs <system.webServer>. So, i removed the <httpModules> from the web.config on the production server and the except disappears and site works. However, Ajax Uploader is not functioning in the same.  It seems onfileuploaded and onuploadcompleted don't fire. However, the files are uploading to the temp directory and also the list that shows files add does not disappear after a uploaded is successful or fails.



    add name="CuteWebUI.UploadModule" type="CuteWebUI.UploadModule,CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader"/>

    add name="CuteWebUI.UploadModule" type="CuteWebUI.UploadModule,CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader"/>


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