Styling attachments table

  •  12-20-2011, 3:07 PM

    Styling attachments table

    Is there any easy way to change the graphics of the attachements table? Namely the icons, like the circle.png? I can probobaly change the icon itself in the resources folder but I need different icons on different parts of my site (I am making uploader for images now as instead of circle.png there would be image icon etc.).

    Is there any other way to change all this? I know about the attachements demo, I know I can do my own attachements table with it, but it is a lot of code for only changing the way icons display...

    Another thing is your demo only changes the way that the attachement table is AFTER upload. How to change the table that shows after the files are selected?


    PS - I tried changing image circle.png but it insists on the 16 x 16 px size, the html sets width and height. As the JS is encrypted, I can not change this parameter. Is there any way to but non enrypted javascript code (I would encrypt it after the changing parameters and localize it to my language so I would not need to make 20 lines of code each time I use it for localization).

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