Re: Cute editor not loading properly in jquery pop-up with Chrome

  •  01-10-2012, 7:35 AM

    Re: Cute editor not loading properly in jquery pop-up with Chrome

    Hello Ken,
    Thanks. This is working now.
    I have some more points here, please have a look:
    1. I want to set cute editor value dynamically (i.e at the time of edit this will be empty and in edit mode the value will be as coming from db (from ajax request)). I had used setHtml() and getHtml() for this but setHtml() is not working for setting empty value in editor.
    2.  if I open popup more than once then found that the content area is going disabled. Earlier I had notice this when I was using cut editor with ajax model pop-up extender.
    Please see the things and reply asap.
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