Moving from IIS6 to IIS7

  •  01-17-2012, 5:25 PM

    Moving from IIS6 to IIS7

    I have a website that uses CuteEditor 5.2 on II6 on W2003, .NET2.0
    I edit the text, read CuteEditorText.Text to store in a DB, everything works on this machine.
    Moved everything  on a new W2008 with II7, application pool .NET 2.0 and Classic pipeline.
    Everything seems to work, but when I edit the text and press my save button, postback, and the text in the cuteeditor is the same.
    In the same page there's a basic input ASP.NET box, that is loaded from db, and saved along with the cuteeditor text, and that one works, it gets saved.
    Any suggestion? It's an old project and I really would like it to work out of the box in the new system... 
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