Re: BUG: Session Expired Error

  •  03-13-2012, 10:08 AM

    Re: BUG: Session Expired Error

    Hi Ken,
    No specific file.
    I found that if i uploaded a few dozen images, then let the it sit idle for a minute or two, then tried to upload further files it happened almost every time.
    I spoke to the guys back in the office who are testing our changes (who were also instructed to use the demo pages to reproduce). they say they are not leaving it idle, but on a few times when it happened they had opened new tab then gone back to the uploading demo to find the error on screen.
    When i reproduced it (and again just now) I simply selected a folder of test images (50-300kb-ish). some times it runs, others it gives the session expired, but i do find it happens more if a few minutes (no more than 90-120 secs) are left between opening the page and choosing the files.
    At the moment the other guys are testing with IE to see if it happens.
    We are using win server 2008r2. I'm going to double check the worker settings on the app pool in a minute but that dosent explain why the cutesoft hosted pages are also troubled with the error..
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