Ajax Uploader missed new 3 features...

  •  04-06-2012, 1:08 AM

    Ajax Uploader missed new 3 features...


    We tried your demo Ajax Uploader for ASP.NET, but we not found 3 new features:

    * Small image preview before start upload or after upload completed

    * From server side dynamically JavaScript execution after success upload (like does Microsoft Ajax, from code behind can run any JavaScript), that is really need feature, e.g. we uploading file with XLS extension but we doing import to database and then validation for file, if something wasn't ok then  we open other JavaScript dialog or redirect to other page and so on..

    * With possibility to  change progress bar just text from server side, e.g. we chose large file then click upload button then starts to display  progress bar with percentage, but after uploaded file we started validate file (and from there we need to display for client different progress - just print text where displayed before progress bar, e.g. "Validating file, please wait..."), then after success validation we start import data to database (now display on client browser in the same place where was before progress text, e.g. "Importing data, please wait..."), and while it not finished all processes.

    Is all this features possible to build in?


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