the Famous : file browsing dialog has been blocked

  •  08-07-2012, 11:16 AM

    the Famous : file browsing dialog has been blocked

    Hi there
    it seems like the file browser dialog always popup on IE and Firefox.
    Please dont ask me to use the iframe or silverlight, since these are the requirements of the application we are developping.
    we need the multi file upload using flash.
    Yes we use flash 10. And it s not the cause of the problem:
    - In the same application, we have 2 pages where we use the uploader. the first page is a light page, the layout is not complexe and the uploader is just working fine. the second page which has more complexe design, clicking the uploader will popup that ugly message. We went further and we placed the uploader int the body tag (of the second page) and it worked.
     with firebug, for the case where the uploader was poppinup the dialog, we think that the flash is not hiding properly the input button. we think that we are cliking on the buttons not the flash mask which leads to the popup.
    Is there a new way to render the flash mask so it supports some complexe layouts?
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