Re: Problem with Template and Content Editable areas

  •  06-10-2005, 2:13 PM

    Re: Problem with Template and Content Editable areas

    Yes it happens on that page as well.  Here is how I am producing the problem:
    Demo page edithtml.asp:
    1. Try to delete the area when I first start editing.  It does not let me.
    2. Hit Preview button and then hit Normal button.  Now it lets me delete the area that it wouldn't before.
    On my page I am allowing the user to save the template once it is edited to another HTML file.  The areas that are not editable will not allow them to change them until they save the file.  For whatever reason the contenteditable="false" tag is removed once the file is saved or previewed.
    I did go to the .NET version of the demo on the Cute site and could not duplicate the problem.
    Thanks for the help.
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