Updating a RTE in an UpdatePanel just shows the spinner

  •  10-15-2012, 6:12 PM

    Updating a RTE in an UpdatePanel just shows the spinner

    Trying to update a richtexteditor that's in an UpdatePanel doesn't seem to work - it just shows the spinning image.



    1. <asp:UpdatePanel ID="TestPanel" runat="server">  
    2.     <ContentTemplate>  
    3.         <RTE:Editor ID="Editor" runat="server" />  
    4.         <asp:Button ID="ChangeButton" runat="server" OnClick="ChangeButton_Click" />  
    5.     </ContentTemplate>  
    6. </asp:UpdatePanel>  

    And the code behind

    1. protected void ChangeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  
    2. {  
    3.     Editor.Text = "testing";  
    4. }  
    Is there a trick to getting it to work? Disabling ViewState for the control seemed to work but only the first time. If you press the button again, it just spins.


    I'm using version 8.0 2012100900.


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