How can I change SaveDirectory dinamically through javascript function ¿?

  •  12-28-2012, 12:22 PM

    How can I change SaveDirectory dinamically through javascript function ¿?


    I would like to know if it's possible change SaveDirectory attribute  once the object myuploader have been created throught a javascript function,..., with out load again the page. 


    My example: (A page for save in database materials)

    When my page it's loaded, the default SaveDirectory it's --> files/tmp_files.

    When the user want create a new type of material, fill the form fields and upload files of this material,  that are saved in files/tmp_files :)... all right. Then the user save the new material, I register the new material in my database, and with the id of the material, I create a new folder and move,he files from tmp_files to this new path. -> for example files/material_cod_36


    following the example, if user want add new files to material 36... I would like to change  myuploader->SaveDirectory to files/material_cod_36 with out load again the page..., with a javascript function.


    I hope it's clear, and you will can help me.


    Thanks :).


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