FF/Chrome/Safari issue: if the HTML Editor is in a hidden layer when the page loads, it never displays properly

  •  02-14-2013, 1:14 PM

    FF/Chrome/Safari issue: if the HTML Editor is in a hidden layer when the page loads, it never displays properly


    ** This works fine in IE, but doesn't work in Firefox, Chrome, Safari **



    If the editor is wrapped in a HIDDEN span (STYLE="display:none" when the page loads, then you un-hide the span, the editor doesn't work. If you start the page with the span unhidden, then you can hide it afterwards.


    In the code below, change the SPAN definition to just <SPAN ID="HideMe"> to see the difference.


    I need to be able to load my editor in a layer that starts off invisible. How can I do this?



    <!-- #include virtual = "/shared/aspedit/cuteeditor_files/include_CuteEditor.asp" -->
    <body bottommargin="0" topmargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">
    <form name="theForm" action="Get_HtmlContent.asp" method="post" ID="Form2">

    <SPAN ID="HideMe" STYLE="display:none">

    Dim editor
    Set editor = New CuteEditor
    editor.ID = "Editor1"
    editor.FilesPath = "/shared/aspedit/cuteeditor_files"

    <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" onClick="document.getElementById('HideMe').style.display = '';" VALUE="Show">
    <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" onClick="document.getElementById('HideMe').style.display = 'none';" VALUE="Hide">

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