Select file dialog does not show on IE8

  •  02-26-2013, 2:20 PM

    Select file dialog does not show on IE8



    we use the ajaxuploader as follows:

    <CuteWebUI:UploadAttachments ID="AjaxUpload" OnFileValidating="AjaxUploader_FileValidating" InsertButtonID="btChooseFiles" CancelButtonID="cancel_hidden" TableStyle-Width="100%" ItemCellStyle-Width="100%" InsertText="Datei(en) auswählen" InsertButtonStyle-CssClass="button" CancelButtonStyle-CssClass="button"  ProgressCtrlID="UploadPanel" ProgressTextID="UploadLabel" MultipleFilesUpload="True"  ManualStartUpload="True" OnUploadCompleted="UploadCompleted"  OnFileUploaded="FileUploadCompleted" runat="server" >


    with this LinkButton to show the "select files" dialog:

    <asp:LinkButton ID="btChooseFiles" class="cursorPointer"  Width="150" Height="150" BackColor="Transparent" runat="server" Enabled="true"></asp:LinkButton> 


    It all works fine in FF, Opera and IE9. But in IE8, instead of showing the select files dialog it just sends a postback.  


    Do you have any suggestions what the problem might be? 

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