Re: Customize the look & feel of error message alert window

  •  09-17-2013, 2:10 PM

    Re: Customize the look & feel of error message alert window

    Hi Ken,


    I'm not that I understand. Here is part of my code: 


    <CuteWebUI:Uploader runat="server" ID="Uploader1" ManualStartUpload="true" 
                           MultipleFilesUpload="false" InsertButtonID="btnSelectFiles" 
                           ProgressCtrlID="pnlProgress" ProgressTextID="lblProgress"  ProgressPanelWidth="270"
                           CancelButtonID="btnCancelUpload"  OnFileUploaded="Uploader_FileUploaded"
                            ProgressInfoStyle="display:none"   ProgressPicture="images/dropbox/pb.jpg" FileTypeNotSupportMsg="This file type is not allowed"    
                            ProgressBarBackgroundImage="images/dropbox/pb_bg.jpg" ProgressBarHeight="11" ProgressBarBorderStyle="height:0; margin-left:4px;" ProgressBarStyle="Continuous" >

     <ValidateOption MaxSizeKB="2097152" AllowedFileExtensions=".zip,.doc,.docx,.xls,.xlsx,.ppt,.pptx,.pdf,.gif,.tiff,.jpg,.png,.bmp,.wmv,.avi,.mp4,.rtf,.txt" />


    I would like the message "This file type is not allowed" to not use the default java script alert and instead display it on the page or use a custom lightbox. The events you mentoined are not fired and I still get a js alert with the mentioned message.


    What am I doing wrong? 



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