Line-feed/Carriage return entities inserted when Source edited

  •  09-30-2013, 7:06 AM

    Line-feed/Carriage return entities inserted when Source edited



    Hoping someone can help with this as it's been bothering me for awhile now.


    I have RTE saving content to an MSSQL DB. I do this by using the Editor.Text property, and save that to an NVARCHAR field.


    Everything is working fine, except whenever the HTML is edited in anyway via the 'Source' view, the HTML is saved with 
 between each line of code. Screen grab here:


    This results in massive spacing problems in 'Design' view and compounds each time the HTML source is edited and saved. It also makes the HTML a nightmare to edit after awhile.


    This only happens if the HTML is edited via the 'Source' button. Edits in 'Design' view don't cause this.


    I'm hoping this is simply a setting somewhere that I've missed - but I've been unable to find any references to it or others experiencing similar problems.

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