Re: InsertHyperlink Dialog height

  •  12-17-2013, 10:34 PM

    Re: InsertHyperlink Dialog height

     Hi Ken --


          I'm trying to gain height control over all of them, but the ones currently  blocking my ability to use the tool are the InsertHyperlink dialog and the "Browse"  child window of that dialog.   


    I've looked at the source, and the specific pages being loaded are ".../Tag.aspx?Tag=A&...", and ".../SelectFile.aspx?..."


    The lines I've modified in Constants.js are:


    // Default window ornaments for the Anchor dialogeditorconstant._anchorDialogFeature = "resizable:1;dialogWidth:320px;dialogHeight:230px;type:anchorDialog";
    // Default window ornaments for the Link dialog
    editorconstant._linkDialogFeature = "resizable:1;dialogWidth:460px;dialogHeight:214px;type:linkDialog";

      Not certain that these are the correct lines, but I didn't see anything else that made more sense.   I then searched through the generated code for "230" and "214"; neither appeared in the source, so I took that as evidence that the changes I was making weren't being injected into the code.   I also saw no change in the dialog heights. 




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