Breakelement property version 4.5

  •  06-22-2005, 6:17 AM

    Breakelement property version 4.5

    Tried setting the BreakElement property at design time and again at run time, but CuteEditor is putting in <p></p>tags.



    I noticed that the CuteEditor will put <br> tags IF…

     1) First hit the delete key before typing or

     2) Switch from normal to html back to normal view before typing.

     Thanks for your help.

     <CE:Editor id="Editor1" EditorWysiwygModeCss="../example.css" runat="server" BreakElement="Br" AllowPasteHtml="False" EditorOnPaste="PasteText">

                                                    <FrameStyle Height="100%" BorderWidth="1px" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderColor="#C0C0C0" Width="100%" CssClass="CuteEditorFrame" BackColor="White"></FrameStyle>



    Windows XP Pro.
    IE version 6.0
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