CuteEditor 2.0 and control events

  •  11-18-2003, 6:29 PM

    CuteEditor 2.0 and control events


    I have a question here.  I am trying to implement a user control that uses the CuteEditor 2.0 to save information to the database (you know, pretty typical stuff).  To do this, I am:

    1. Populating the Editor from the dataset in the Page's Load event.
    2. Capturing a "Save" button click on the server.
    3. Updating the database.
    4. Loading the changed data back into the Editor (in the OnPreRender event of the Page). 

    The problem is the last step.  For some reason when I load the data into the Editor the second time it doesn't appear.  The Editor is rendered as completely empty!  When I look at the generated HTML source, I see that there is a Hidden field with the correct HTML I wanted to appear, but it isn't showing in the Editor itself.  I've tried a variety of approaches (this exact same code, BTW, worked fine in 1.8 of the editor) but don't seem to have any luck.  Also, I'm using the same code to populate the Editor pre-update as I am post-update.

    I'll keep trying to find a solution and let you know if I do. 



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