Re: Restrict User to upload image in to specific Category..

  •  03-06-2014, 8:48 AM

    Re: Restrict User to upload image in to specific Category..



              Thanks for your reply. But I want to able to upload images into Default folder and If I created any new categories the I can able to


    upload images in to those new categories. I want to put restrictions for particular categories only (Example Pages, Emails Categories only


    I want to restrict). If put the above provided code in my file. If I click on default folder 'Upload Files' button is hiding. But it should not be 


    like that. When I select the Pages or Emails categories then 'Upload Files' button should be hide.


    Finally I want to say that Please provide me one condition If particular categories (pages, emails) selected upload button should be in


    hidden mode, If I select other categories or Default category then it should be in visible mode.


    Please give me quick solution I am waiting for your valuable reply.. 

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