Re: DNN Integration Issue

  •  06-29-2005, 11:02 PM

    Re: DNN Integration Issue

    This is the error that occurs when trying to add a thread to a discussion module
    An error has occurred.
    Unhandled error loading module.
    I am trying to use cute editor as the default editor.  I followed the directions for how to integrate with DNN  -- I started using the DNN 3.0.13 I have since changed to DNN 3.1  I am using the Cute Editor installation package for DNN 3.1
    The editor comes up fine however there is always a red error alert at the bottom that says An error has occurred.
    Unhandled error loading module.  Even though I can use the editor when I try to post the message nothing appears on the discussion module main page.  From this point I cannot Reply or anything.
    This is a fresh install and other than installing dotnetnuke the only thing I have added is the cute editor.
    I copied the Provider directory, Updated the web.config file by copying and pasting the example entry - I made no changes to this, ran the portal, added a discussion module to the page, etc...
    This error occurs when trying to use the Announcement module also!!!
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