Error in DNN

  •  08-03-2005, 5:25 AM

    Error in DNN

    Every now and then I get the following error
    Please wait, connecting to server...
    Connection Failed.: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.retry
    When I ask for details I get
    server side System.NullReferenceException:
    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at CuteChatControls.DotNetNukeDataProvider.GetUserDisplayName(String useruniquename)
    at z.GetUserDisplayName(String useruniquename)
    at aj.b(Chat_User A_0, Chat_User A_1)
    at e.g()
    at e.DoSync(ChannelRequest syncRequest)
    at CuteSoft.Chat.ChatApi.CHSync(ChannelRequest request)
    at CuteSoft.Chat.DynamicAssembly.ServiceLayerChatApiDecoratorProxy.CHSync_InterceptedCall(ChannelRequest request)
    at CuteSoft.Chat.DynamicAssembly.WebLayerChatApiDecoratorProxy.CHSync_InterceptedCall(ChannelRequest request)
    at CuteSoft.Chat.ChatRaneService.CHSync(ChannelRequest request)
    any advice?
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