marrik wrote: |
Hi Jason!
Great work but I do not seem to get it to work.
I've downloaded the most recent version of CE.
I have more than one problem:
1. CE doesn't recognize this : <PageProperties Title="" Description="" HtmlBase="" Keywords=""> </PageProperties>
2. When running the Javascript it gives an error on: ce_img.focus(); This is caused by the control not being visible. After solving that...
3. the line :var ce_imgDoc = ce_img.GetDocument() gives an error (GetDocument method not found).
Am I missing something? ![](/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/images/emquestion.gif)
Ok, figured it out...
I entered the real id I gave my CE in the line ce_img = document.getElementById('<%=ce_image.clientID%>') because "my" version of CE does not support the property "clientID".
However, this is the wrong id... In my case, it should have been "CE_myID_ID" and now it worked.
Still I don't know why I am missing that property and why my CE doesn't have the tag PageProperties....
Live long and prosper!