Cute editor ignoring editor.Height and editor.Width attributes

  •  08-17-2005, 6:14 AM

    Cute editor ignoring editor.Height and editor.Width attributes

    We have an editor running which we copied exactly from one of our sites to our development box to work with. Since the move in the original version the editor used to read the height and width settings and display at these sizes correctly. Now if the height is set to an integer, the editor displays with no white typing space at all, and it is only when the attribute is left blank that the editor displays the white space area (to its default size which is too large for us).
    Where are we going wrong? Our editor calling code is as follows:
    dim iWidth, iHeight, strCuteDisable
    		dim content
    		content = fldText								
    		if isNull(content) then content = " "	
    		'Response.Write "Con>" & len(content) & "<br>"
    		iWidth = 675
    		iHeight = 200
    		Dim editor
    		Set editor = New CuteEditor
    		editor.ID = "Editor1"
    		editor.Text = content
    		'editor.FilesPath = "CuteEditor_Files"
    		editor.FilesPath = "CuteSoft/CuteEditor_Files"
    		editor.ImageGalleryPath = "/CDATA/Community" & session("CommunityId") & "/Cutefiles/"
    		editor.MaxImageSize = 1000
    		editor.FontFacesList = "Arial,Arial Black,Arial Narrow,Comic Sans MS,Courier,Courier New,Georgia,Impact,MS Sans Serif,Tahoma,Times New Roman,Trebuchet MS,Verdana"
    		editor.FontSizesList = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7"
    		editor.AutoConfigure = "Default"
    		if session("CuteConfig") = "All" then
    			editor.AutoConfigure = "EnableAll"
    			iHeight = 400
    			editor.Template = strButtons
    		end if
    		if session("CodeSnippet") = "Y" then
    			editor.CodeSnippetDropDownMenuNames = session("CodeSnippetDropDownMenuNames")								
    			editor.CodeSnippetDropDownMenuList  = session("CodeSnippetDropDownMenuList")
    			session("CodeSnippet") = "N"
    		end if	
    		strCuteDisable = session("CuteDisable")
    		if len(strCuteDisable) > 0 then
    			editor.DisableItemList = strCuteDisable
    			session("CuteDisable") = ""
    		end if				
            editor.Width = iHeight 
            editor.Width = iWidth 
    		editor.Height = iHeight
    		editor.EditorBodyStyle = "table { font:normal 12px arial; }"
    		editor.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "asp.css"

    Also has the tabindex control been built back into this version of cuteeditor - i checked a while ago and it was still missing


    Rich Halliwell (SPIKE)
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