Dynamically generated table

  •  08-24-2005, 10:53 PM

    Dynamically generated table

    Currently we have a html table whose structure is dynamically generated at server side through code in C# asp.net.
    Say this is our table:
    Some information
    We currently have a textarea here and inside that we have some text and the whole table is readonly.

    We want to show rtf text in the textarea. (Remember our textarea is an html component). So basically to generated this table we have: Remember all this code is dynamically generated on server side depending on our dataset that we get frm the database.

    <table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="3" border="1" style="WIDTH: 320px; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse">
                      <div>Some information</div>
                      <TextArea ......We currently have a textarea here and inside that we have some text and the whole table is readonly.</TextArea>...
    blah blah blah 
    I would like to know what I need to put in html (see my highlighted text) to render a cuteeditor only textarea part without anytoolbars and with all the properties of the textarea to show the user rtf. I need also the cute editor to be readonly.
    Thanks and any help will be appreciated....Please mail me a reply here or at [email protected]
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