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  • Title gets changed to "CSS1Compat" when files are uploaded

    Hi,   I am using PHP file uploaded for one of my personal projects. I am facing this weird issue wherein the Window title changes to CSS1Compat when the files are being uploaded. I tried to manually set the title, but somehow, I still see that CSS1Compat title coming in title and then changing again to my set value.   Can somebody ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by divinedragon on April 23, 2013
  • Friendly File Names

    Hi, I'm evaluating phpfileuploader and it works very well. I'm using the 'start uploading manually version' (, and would like to add a 'User-Friendly File Name' field to the form, so that users can add a meaningful title/name to their files which are to be uploaded.  So, ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by PeterK on December 22, 2011
  • Safari 5.1.2 editor bug (CSS/Javascript related)?

    - iOS 10.7.2 or Windows VIsta- Safari 5.1.2 or 5.1.1- latest editor build, downloaded 10 days ago - no browser extensions- cleared cache- same behaviour on my site as on demo site @ no matter the configuration-  all select boxes of the editor toolbar behave erratically  as shown in the two ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by Cassiopeia on December 16, 2011
  • Cute Editor behind Apache Authentiction Issues

    Hi, I've been using cute editor, and I recently added apache authentication on the Admin area where the cute editor is being used and I'm now experiencing a fair few issues.  1) Flash : The upload task is interrupted! http 401. 2) The area you are attempting to access is forbidden. These issues are when I use the ''Insert ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by martinoleary on November 29, 2011
  • Auto subdomain problem

    When editor used in automaticaly created subdomain, it fails to find right image and files paths. Fo example. Main domain, subdomain When it working on subdomain, it finds path to upload and look up pictures like instead of   I was tryind to change PHP ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by blohher on November 23, 2011
  • Just plain won't work on our server

    I can't get it to work at all on our server no matter what I do.  The server is fully compatible and has all the latest stable versions of PHP etc installed.  When clicking the upload file button nothing happens at all. It's up at Any ideas why it may not be ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by townsend on November 9, 2011
  • Launching editor in preview mode allows editing in Firefox

    Hi, I am trying to launch editor in Preview mode. For this, I configure the editor in PHP as follows: $editor->ActiveTab=''View''; Upon load, I can see that Preview tab is active. However, I can edit the text. When I switch to another mode (Normal or HTML) and then back to Preview, editing is no longer possible (as expected). ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by erslht on October 8, 2011
  • You don't have permission to access!!!

    Hi thereI'm newbie with cuteeditore and I found this error in my divYou don't have permission to access /My_SITE/application/cuteeditor_files/template.php on this server.  the only things that I should remind is that I use this editor in code igniter and of course on the localhost(WAMP).I'll be appreciated if anybody could solve this ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by donwp on June 11, 2011
  • Cute Editor Zend_Form_Element

    I have build my own CMS system with Zend Framework and the TinyMCE editor, but now i have seen the Cute Editor for PHP and want to replace the TinyMCE editor with Cute Editor. The problem is that i have to write a custom Zend_Form_Element for it to use Cute Editor with Zend_Form and i doesn't have very much knowledge about Cute Editor and ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by Emile on April 23, 2011
  • Need Help !!! Urgent !!

    Need Help !!!    i want to implement multiple file uploading  by following way, here is my doubt, can i change the code of uploader.js as it as only octal data.if yes then please give me some guidance, if no then can u tell me the way by which i can change the ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by chintanshah on April 21, 2011