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  • Re: How to disable dialog when dblcklick on image in CuteEditor

    Johan,   >>Btw, my application has improved from good to excellent with the help of CuteEditor..   Thanks for the nice comments about Cute Editor.   >>how do I disabled the dialog wich is shown when the user dblcklick on a image in CuteEditor ?   Open CuteEditor_Files\Dialogs\tag.config ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by Adam on November 22, 2007
  • error 404?

     hello, i have download cute editor for php,whit ftp i transfer the file in my local linux apache php5 server, but when i go to the site i see:     Enable All ToolbarsThis example shows you all the predefined buttons.   Not Found<br>The requested URL ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by rub on November 19, 2013
  • DialogFilter not filtering

    Using the PHP File UpLoader I am having problems getting DialogFilter to properly show image files in widows 7.    the syntax that I'm using is       $uploader->DialogFilter="Images (jpg/gif/png)|*.jpg;*.gif;*.png"; When its present windows displays "All Files"  when its commented ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by pickledham on February 25, 2013
  • Up Loader issues

    Below is the config being used to evoke the editor:        $editor=new CuteEditor();      $editor ->ImageGalleryPath = ''/images'';      $editor->FlashGalleryPath = ''/media'';      $editor->FilesGalleryPath = ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by CGartrell on March 17, 2011
  • Dynamically Specifying Image Upload Directory

    Hello All, I am looking for a way to have the image upload directory that is called be unique to the user. My PHP code creates the directory in a different part of the process as it stores other types of unique files, I just need Cute to call the directory based on some PHP variables that are passed to the page with the editor embedded on it. ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by swanjm01 on July 3, 2009
  • simple_xml_load_file error

    Hi there, I'm getting the following error: Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity ''CuteEditor_Files/Languages/en-en.xml'' in mysite/CuteEditor_Files/include_CuteEditor.php on line 848 Error while parsing the Languages ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by reed on October 4, 2008
  • How To Install

    Hello am new to .aspx and dont reli know anything about it. I have workedwith PHP and HTML but thats it. I also know a lil bit about MySQL.   Can somebody please tell me where I am going wrong and if my hosting will allow me to run this very sexy piece of software.   I have a MySQL database. & when i try to upload the SQL file in ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by DeeJay Hooper on June 25, 2007
  • Re: Web Server Requirements

    >>but do Cute Editor for php will works with  PHP 4.4.7? No.   It needs PHP 5.0 or above.      
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by Adam on September 7, 2007
  • Re: Max size of disc space for uploaded documents and images

    George, >>May I set max ammount of this space? (eg. 10MB) This feature will be avaiable in the future version.>>I disallow to upload *.php, *.asp, *.mp3,... files?Please check the following article:Restricting Document Files by Extensions and ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on January 20, 2006
  • I can´t write in the Cute Editor

    I was using previously Editor, Now  I'm try to changing it for the new ''Editor Cute for PHP'' but it's give me some problem with the same code. The ''Editor Cute for PHP'' in a simple windows of the Web Explore the Cute Editor it works very well but if I using the function ***''WinD01 = new Ext.Window(...''closeAction:'hide'...)..... ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by Stevemenjivar on February 9, 2009